September 2016 – Jupiter Comes Back Online

Hard August, Hard September?

September 1, UT ~ a solar eclipse in Virgo. September 16, UT ~ a lunar eclipse in Pisces.

Added to August’s mid-month eclipse, these eclipses make up a series of three eclipses. On one level, we can be grateful for these eclipses. They are occurring as the power of the mutable T-Square is peaking and its energy is shifting.

This surge of eclipse energy from the mutable T-Square will accelerate the demise of global oligarchy and hasten the end of the gross political and economic inequality threatens global stability. The eclipse energies will trigger and accelerate karmic consequences for using dishonest and manipulative language. This will further cleanse our politics and economics of toxic rhetoric and hasten the end of the oligarchic institutions and practices that it supports.

And that’s all to the good. This is a change process we should all welcome. However, we have to admit that the change process has been difficult on many of us.

We really need a break. We also need this process to be less abrasive and corrosive and more effective going forward.

September’s two eclipse charts are similar to August’s eclipse chart and to each other in most important respects. This would seem to promise a continuation of an energy of which we saw too much in August.

Most of the disconcerting influences in August’s chart do persist in September’s eclipse charts. In fact, September’s second eclipse chart looks like it would deliver an especially strong dose of the vibes we weathered in August. And it would do so, if it were not for one crucial factor.

Between September’s two eclipses, Jupiter changes signs. Jupiter’s entrance into Libra will significantly alter what at first glance seems like an extension of a rather difficult astrological pattern. And it will do so in a very positive and welcome way. Many of us will consider it welcome and long overdue.

September 9, UT ~ Jupiter enters Libra for the full transit. Jupiter will leave Libra in October 2017.

Harsh Side Effects

Mutable energies by nature focus on transformations in consciousness. Indeed, since the mutable T-Square formed late in 2015, dramatic change has been cascading rapidly through consciousness and at an ever accelerating pace.

In keeping with the nature of the T-Square, greater value has been placed on detailed, well-reasoned analysis. Increasingly, people are questioning false rhetoric. Also, deceptive and manipulative language has been backfiring on those who use it.

That much is abundantly clear from the results of the recently ended Brexit campaign in the UK and Trump’s presidential campaign in the US. Mr Trump’s campaign has depended heavily on sensationalized and deceptive rhetoric – i.e., demagoguery. Accordingly, Trump’s increasingly negative treatment by the popular press and his poll numbers are suffering.

The overall effects of the mutable T-Square have been wholesome and for the greater good. However, it has proven to be rather strong medicine with pretty serious side effects. The non-stop changes in consciousness have been very disruptive, almost too disruptive.

Turbulence at the macro and individual levels is blending. Inner turmoil is blending with outer turmoil. At the same time, we are dealing with scarcity and risk.

We are feeling uncared for and alone in an increasingly harsh reality, albeit a reality many of us helped create and sustain. We have been enduring these inward and outward challenges largely without the benefit of ‘the greater benefic,’ Jupiter.

Navigating a Perfect Astrological Storm

In recent dispositor charts, the inner, personal planets have channeled these difficult energies though our personal lives. The inner and outer turmoil caused by the change process of recent years has also taken a stiff toll on our relationships.

Recent energies have caused the shedding, or release, of psychospiritual baggage. A lot of dark and difficult stuff has been coming to the surface. It hasn’t always been easy to process and it frequently comes between ourselves and other people in our lives. More generally, negative thoughts and emotions expressed outwardly as highly dysfunctional behavior. This in turn feeds our anxiety.

We often seem to be trapped in an all encompassing negative feedback loop. Negativity leads to more negativity, irrationality to more irrationality, dysfunction to more dysfunction, turmoil to more turmoil.

Negative synchronicity snowballed. It became hard to know what to expect in a particular situation.

As August opened, it was getting hard to see what was holding our society together. As August closes, things do indeed seem about to boil over.

The Last Astrological Straw

In these complicated and conflicted times, issues both personal and impersonal are thorny enough. However, a Mercury/Chiron opposition was added to the mix.

Because of this opposition, our insecurities and ambivalence are generally closer to the surface. Freudian slips, imagined offenses and garden variety misperceptions are common.

The Mercury/Chiron opposition virtually insured upsetting miscommunications would occur more frequently.

The Jupiter Libra Ingress

In more normal times, Jupiter, the greater benefic, would provide our refuge in a storm, our refuge in adversity. Jupiter uplifts, heals, enriches protects, and empowers. He has a famously light touch, always gently applied, always eagerly anticipated, always warmly welcomed and fondly remembered.

For one astrological reason or another, Jupiter has been largely missing from the field. Or, compared to what is capable of, he has played only a minor, occasional role.

It was only relatively recently, when Jupiter transited Cancer (mid-2013 – mid-2014), that he escaped the oppressive leverage of Pluto. He remained under the thumb of capricious Neptune and Uranus.

Currently, in addition to the other astrological disadvantages under which he labors, Jupiter has been in Virgo, the sign of his detriment. His benevolent powers have been all but stifled. Virgo is a nearly total black hole for Jupiter’s attractive qualities.

The truth is that Jupiter has been undergoing tests, measuring his abilities against the difficult side of the astrological coin. During these trials, his energies have been absorbed building strengths and skills appropriate to astrological challenges he was facing, indeed, we were all facing. When Jupiter enters Libra, these new strengths will at long last come into play.

Jupiter Bounces Back Big Time

Jupiter will enter Libra for the full transit on September 9, UT. The Jupiter Libra ingress is a major inflection point for the whole Zodiac. To understand why, we need to look more deeply into the fabric of basic astrological relationships.

Briefly stated, and generally speaking, Jupiter’s move into Libra will bring its beneficial energies out from under the many things weighing upon them. Jupiter will also move into decidedly more advantageous alignment with major players in the Zodiac.

Before September is half over, we will be able to count on Jupiter’s enriching, uplifting, kind and empowering energies once more. Positive synchronicity will proliferate in the world. Mutable winter will turn into mutable spring.

The additional good news about Jupiter’s ingress is that its benefits will be sustained, long-term. The ingress chart, with its positives, will be in effect for the whole of Jupiter’s year long transit of Libra. Also, aside from the particulars of the ingress chart, the positive trends that emerge in it will outlast the Libra transit.

Jupiter’s Big Move

So let us look into the underlying fabric of the chart. (Translation: some technical astrological stuff immediately ahead.)


We know that Jupiter is now in Virgo and generally doesn’t express happily there. To begin with, then, when it enters Libra, Jupiter will, escape the debilitating influence of Virgo. Its internship with Virgo will be over for now.

Though famously difficult for Jupiter, its transit of Virgo marks the beginning of a brand new Jupiter/Virgo cycle. As Jupiter enters Libra, the creative potential of the Jupiter/Virgo cycle will begin to manifest. Their energies will begin collaborating more creatively with each other and with energies of other planets and signs of the Zodiac.

During the new Jupiter/Virgo cycle, their energies will also manifest in new, surprisingly helpful ways, more compatible with current astrological challenges. Jupiter will display some of the strengths and skills it developed during its long stay in astrological boot camp. (It will also remember those who, despite the difficulties, worked constructively with Jupiter’s energies on the rough side of the Zodiac.)


In Virgo, Jupiter is also squaring Saturn in Sagittarius. Its oppressive situation in Virgo is doubly compounded by a square to Saturn and to Jupiter’s home sign and primary power base, Sagittarius.

These aspects, too, are especially challenging for Jupiter. Jupiter and Saturn are contradictory energies and adverse Jupiter/Saturn relations are especially problematic.

When Jupiter emerges in Libra, its square to Saturn turns into a sextile. It will also be a sextile in which, at this point in the Jupiter/Saturn cycle, Jupiter will have the upper hand.

Improved Jupiter/Saturn relations will continue positive for a couple of years, at least, as Jupiter approaches conjunction with Saturn. Both will then move beyond conjunction into the full, highly creative, Jupiter/Saturn cycle.

In the years ahead, Jupiter’s cooperation with Saturn will lead to the development of sound and reliable resources on all levels.


The same kind of thing will happen with relation to Sagittarius. When Jupiter enters Libra, it will sextile its home sign and Zodiacal power base. It will be able to draw more readily and fully on its reserves of power in Sagittarius, all the more so because of the strengths acquired during its recent training efforts.


Consider also Jupiter’s relationship to Neptune. While in Virgo, Jupiter, opposes Neptune, a relatively weak position vis à vis Neptune. Before that, Jupiter was in Neptune’s native sixth house, under Neptune’s control.

When Jupiter enters Libra, however, it will be in Neptune’s native 8th house. This placement will give Jupiter definitive leverage over Neptune. Neptune will need to expend its powers in the service of Jupiter’s more benevolent, down-to-earth agenda.

Once again, then, Jupiter’s move into Libra takes Jupiter from weakness to strength. Or, put another way, once again, it removes a block and puts Jupiter in a position to exercise strength that has been growing quietly in the background.

All of these positives will synergize each other. Were we to look more closely, we would see similar things happening in many of Jupiter’s other relationships.

Jupiter’s Libra ingress, then, marks the moment Jupiter’s latent powers begin to manifest and the rest of the Zodiac facilitates rather than blocks Jupiter. Challenging relationships will flip, becoming supportive. Jupiter’s new but so far suppressed powers will manifest in our lives.

As it enters Libra, therefore, Jupiter’s power in the Zodiac will increase by an order of magnitude or two. Its supportive, healing, uplifting energies will suddenly begin flowing freely into the Zodiac and into our individual and collective lives. The overall energies of the Zodiac will tip from negative and challenging, to positive and supportive.

The Jupiter/Libra/Venus Alliance

There is another big positive to the Jupiter Libra ingress and it directly addresses another big downside to the recent change processes: growing alienation.

The recent change process has put even our most important relationships under pressure. Relationships are breaking all around us. However, the Jupiter Libra ingress brings very good news in this department also.

Libra governs relationships and partnerships of all kinds. Jupiter’s show of strength in Libra, by itself, will go a long way toward healing and renewing and enriching fraying bonds and creating new ones.

Jupiter’s Libra transit will help nourish and nurture relationships even more because Venus will also be in Libra and rather strongly placed. Libra is one of the signs that Venus rules. It is a power base for Venus. It is also the sign that, like Venus itself, governs and drives partnerships.

More, Venus is dominant in the dispositor chart for the Jupiter Libra ingress. Moon, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter will also be pouring their energies through Venusian channels, so to speak, serving Venusian purposes.

Venus’ strong position will enlist the greater part of Zodiacal energies in the service of supporting human relationships. It will have final say in how most planetary energies are leveraged during Jupiter’s transit of Libra.

Jupiter itself will strongly reinforce Venus. Viewed another way, Venus will be abundantly supplied with power and resources in its efforts to rebuild stressed relationships alongside Jupiter.

During Jupiter’s transit of Libra, relationships will be very heavily prioritized. It would be hard to imagine more auspicious Venus and Jupiter placements for the healing and nurturing of human relationships across the board.

The Venus/Jupiter alliance in Libra will powerfully nurture relationships and alliances of all kinds at every level of society on a global level. Healing, sustaining energies will pour into social, political and economic alliances, friendships, romantic bonds, familial ties and work and professional bonds.

All of these will, in turn, enjoy a flood of positive synchronicity, complements of a Jupiter recently liberated, newly restored to power and in close alliance with Venus. Under Venus’ powerful influence, warmth will return to our personal relationships.

Like all astrological energies, Venus and Jupiter combinations can be abused. However, these energies will be closely supervised by the ever watchful mutable T-Square, still very much in effect. This should act as a strong check on abuse.

Jupiter By a Hair’s Breadth

Right now, a few weeks before Jupiter enters Libra, people would be forgiven for thinking we are actually headed for a catastrophe – for unmitigated chaos – in global consciousness. Jupiter will rejoin the action just in the nick of time. Or we would be looking forward to an indefinite extension of the grim conditions we are now experiencing.

Despite the Jupiter Libra ingress, the scale of the problem and the nature of current aspects do not suggest a quick or easy resolution of the world’s problems. However, Jupiter’s Libra ingress will accelerate us in the right direction.

I think a corner will be turned in September. I think the worst will be over by September 9 when Jupiter enters Libra.

In Sum

Over the last forty years and more, we co-created a global oligarchy. We have been ‘co-experiencing’ the negative effects of that oligarchy for some years now.

The mutable T-Square is currently helping us ‘co-deconstruct’ the oligarchy, with considerable hardship and risk to ourselves. Essentially, what we have been doing recently is ‘co-deconstructing’ the oligarchy and its basis in consciousness as we deal with the rigors of the change process and cope with the damage still being done by decades of oligarchic misrule.

For the most part, we have been enduring this difficult reconstructive and transformative process without the benefit of Jupiter – the most powerfully benevolent planet in the Zodiac. As a strengthened Jupiter rejoins the game, we should all feel relief and experience renewed up for the future.

To a very large extent, co-creating the global oligarchy was about the gross abuse of Jupiter’s wealth building powers. It seems poetic justice that we should endure a lengthy portion of the ‘co-deconstruction’ phase largely without Jupiter’s assistance.

The Nick of Time

Let us hope that we have learned what we need to know about the proper use of Jupiter’s wealth building powers so that, as Jupiter’s wealth building powers become available again, we don’t make the same mistakes over again, we don’t extend or recreate the oligarchy.

Finally, now that it’s back, Jupiter will help heal the damage the oligarchy has inflicted as well as the damaging side effects of the co-deconstruction process.

Given how matters stand, how close we came, Jupiter’s Libra ingress arrived not a moment too soon.


As part of a continuing effort to keep my astrology work accessible to all, I am posting a link to my Google+ profile for those who might find it useful as an alternative to FB.



I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has offered expressions of appreciation and support and by liking and sharing my work.

I also want to thank those who have shown their appreciation financially. My heartfelt thanks to all.

I know that many people have come to rely on my monthly reports, but we need to make some changes.

I have been absorbing nearly all of the cost of providing this service for the past 20 years or so, but I simply cannot continue to do so.

What I propose is that people voluntarily make one small, contribution each month when accessing my astrology post. Really, a minimal contribution will be quite satisfactory, providing it is regular. You can use the links below:

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This voluntary system is the best of both worlds. It will allow me to stay on Facebook, which offers an optimal level of interactivity and access. It will also allow those who are really stuck for cash to not make a contribution.

If I have to move my post behind a paywall, it will hamper access and limit interactivity. Those who are unable to make even a minimal contribution would be locked out.

Hopefully it will not come to that. But I cannot continue under the present system.

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August 2016 – Turning a Major Historical Corner

Carl Boudreau·Thursday, Published on July 21, 2016

August’s Aspects

August and September, with their series of 3 eclipses, will mark a pivotal point in the breakdown of the global oligarchy – in the breakdown of the global political and economic power of the 1%. In this post, I will focus on the first of these eclipses, taking place at the Full Moon of August 18 UT.

The good news is that we are beginning a phase in the transition away from global oligarchy that we have been looking forward to. The bad news is that it will be a long and difficult transition.

The Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon on August 18, UT

The North Node gives eclipses their meaning. Presently, the North Node in Virgo is strongly expressing the need for an objective, down-to-earth and selfless approach to resolving numerous and still rapidly increasing global issues.

By all accounts, the forces of oligarchy represent the opposite of the values supported by the Virgo North Node. So, logically, this pivotal battle should and probably will be decided in favor of the 99%. Ultimately.

It just will not be an easy or quick victory and the outcome is not fully guaranteed. The conflicts in the chart will play out in the realm of communication. These conflicts will also be intense.

The communication process itself is seriously afflicted, though. Resulting conflicts are highly likely to overflow into behavior, and not always in a good way.

To understand the astrological source of these difficulties, we need only look at a few of August’s more prominent aspects.

August’s Version of the Mutable T-Square

The dominant aspect in the August 18 eclipse chart is an updated version of the mutable T-Square that has dominated the charts since it took shape in the fall of 2015.

The base of this T-Square sets, as it always has, along the critically important nodal axis, the line connecting the North and South Nodes. There is no more sensitive or powerful axis in the astrology chart.

The energies affecting the nodal axis are powerfully communicated to every region of and aspect in the chart. And in this chart, there is a lot of complicated, difficult and downright dangerous stuff going on along the nodal axis. Or should I say, the most dangerous stuff going on in this chart directly affects the nodal axis.

In the August 18 version, or ‘iteration,’ of this T-Square, its base is formed by an opposition: retrograde Chiron opposes a Mercury/Jupiter conjunction. The nodal axis, then, is heavily afflicted by this highly problematic aspect. This same aspect will seriously resist the work of the North Node in Virgo, and vice versa.

The Unusual Power of the Mutable T-Square During August’s Lunar Eclipse

The power of the mutable T-Square is augmented by an unusually powerful Mercury. Mercury has had its muscular little fingers in a lot of pies lately; it is affecting many lines of causality and synchronicity and will continue to do so into the future. This is very clear in August’s eclipse chart.

Mercury transited (eclipsed or occulted) the Sun on May 9th at the time of Jupiter’s return to forward movement. This renewed and foregrounded Mercury’s power. Also, the simple fact that Mercury will be near the North Node during the eclipse will increase its importance.

When everything is taken into account, Mercury is the strongest planet by far in the dispositor chart of the August eclipse. It overrides the importance of strongly placed Sun and Neptune, each in their own home sign.

Mercury also ‘disposes’ of, or channels, the influence of the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. It’s complicated, but this lineup in the dispositor chart puts these bodies at a considerable disadvantage.

Their power is subordinated to that of diminutive Mercury. The great energetic river formed by their combined streams must all flow through Mercury’s narrow gate, with considerable complications along the way.

This will create severe bandwidth issues throughout the month. The elements of this potent and complex but tangled stream of energies will struggle mightily to express themselves simultaneously through Mercury’s comparatively narrow and highly specialized modalities.

They will frequently find themselves competing aggressively with each other for passage. Then they will struggle mightily to escape Mercury in Virgo’s many narrow filters.

It is difficult to overstate the scale of Mercury’s influence during the August eclipse. It is equally difficult to overstate the degree of Mercury’s affliction. The astrological handicaps under which it will labor to perform its inordinately difficult task will be numerous and daunting.

A Powerful Mercury, Powerfully Afflicted

There will often be insuperable obstacles to successful communication at all levels in August and beyond. Indeed, simple, seemingly straightforward, routine communication can explode. In August, regardless of the seeming importance or unimportance of the issues, or how casual a conversation might seem to be at the time, it would be best to proceed with caution.

Overreaction is the order of the day. People will be primed to take offense and give offense in return. Sometimes it might just be best to hold your peace, no matter what you think is at risk.

On the micro level, the result of miscommunication might be estrangement, lost friendships, broken agreements and lost partners. On the macro – or national and global levels – the results might be broken alliances, shattered treaties, and failed trade deals. Hostile, unguarded diplomatic exchanges might lead to open warfare.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter is opposite Chiron Retrograde

Much of the difficulty will come from retrograde Chiron’s opposition to the Jupiter/Mercury conjunction in Virgo. Retrograde Chiron’s negative potential is strongly enhanced.

Retrograde Chiron’s opposition is likely to draw discussions in the direction of old bitterness, simmering grievance and lingering grudge. It can stir pain in wounds nearly forgotten but not fully healed. It can inflame feelings about real or imagined attacks on personal beliefs. A Chiron opposition is also a prolific source of imagined threat or offense.

The negative potentialities of retrograde Chiron’s opposition are multiplied by its nearness to Neptune, retrograde Nessus, the South Node and the influence of Pisces generally.

Retrograde Nessus will hasten the manifestation of negativity and quickly dredge up guilt and pain. The effect would be to diminish our sense of self-worth and darken our interpretation of other people’s motives.

Neptune will further increase the likelihood of confusion, weak, self-deceptive, even delusional reasoning. The South Node, for its part, will make errors in reasoning and all these other ill-advised seem attractive.

This combination of negative placements makes the odds of failed communication very high indeed.

None of these influences, alone or in combinati0n, would be conducive to successful communication and positive outcomes. Disagreement could arise completely unexpectedly and quickly become heated and even violent.

Mars/Saturn Conjunction in Sagittarius – a T-Square + Flint and Steel

Mars and Saturn are conjunct in Sagittarius at the apex of the mutable T-Square. This fiery, explosive conjunction squares both poles of the Mercury/Jupiter/Chiron opposition during the eclipse.

This will further multiply the already considerable negative potential of the Mercury/Jupiter/Chiron opposition. In sum, it will dramatically raise the likelihood of miscommunication and worsen its consequences.

Retrograde Pluto is exactly conjunct the fixed star Vega, opposite the asteroid Vesta.

During the August eclipse, a Pluto/Vega conjunction is exact to within about 16 minutes of arc – i.e., extremely exact. A Pluto/Vega conjunction is rare.

It occurs roughly every 248 years. It last occurred in about 1767-8 at the dawn of an era of world historical revolution.

Vega dramatically enhances charm, glamour and charisma generally. Pluto is an intensifier of feeling and a powerful motivator of radical, even revolutionary action.

Combined, Pluto and Vega can generate intensely charismatic and thoroughly irrational appeal. This in turn can inspire fierce, unreasoning loyalty. This in its turn can inspire fanaticism and zealotry.

The asteroid Vesta, for its part, governs earnest devotion to a principle or ideal. Opposite the exact Pluto/Vega conjunction, Vesta can easily produce a fiery clash.

This opposition takes place in cardinal signs, along the Capricorn/Cancer axis, its volatile influence will be complicated and compounded by the lingering power of the Uranus/Pluto square.

This Pluto/Vega/Vesta influence, combined with the influence of the Chiron/Mercury/Jupiter opposition and the Saturn/Mars conjunction, is highly conducive to overheated, irrational rhetoric and the violence to which such rhetoric often gives rise.

Outcomes Might Not Be What You Hope

Under the influence of the eclipse, negative tactics, no matter how appealing or even irresistible they seem, could backfire badly, either in the moment or in the future.

This would seem to put the offender at a disadvantage. However, in present circumstances, a penalty on the offender could easily overflow and engulf bystanders, including those offended.

Regardless of whoever has the right of it, social unrest brought on by a violation of the North Node’s mandate, could overflow, translating into misfortune for the righteous too. Violence is contagious and unrest tends to overflow boundaries.

Consider Also The Asteroids – The Pervasiveness of Transformative Process

It is clear from the nature of the mutable T-Square, placed so strongly in August’s eclipse chart, that August’s intense conflicts will largely be rooted in the realm of ideas and beliefs. It will be about the rightness or wrongness of beliefs, the soundness of arguments presented in their defense and the motives behind them.

Ideology will be pitted sharply against ideology, religious belief against religious belief, scientific theory against scientific theory, dogma against dogma, motive against motive, and everything in between.

Where the Asteroids Come Into It

A consideration of the asteroids would give us a very clear idea of the scale of the process supported by the mutable T-Square and the possible scope of the conflict.

As I have tried to show in previous posts, the asteroids have a great deal to do with the ideas by which we govern our lives and our societies. If we add up the areas influenced by the better known asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Chariklo, Ixion, Quaoar and Eris) we come up with whole worldviews full of ideas from around the globe.

Quaoar in August

For the present, let’s consider the asteroid Quaoar and its role during the August eclipse.

During the eclipse, retrograde Quaoar will be in all but perfect conjunction with the Galactic Center in Sagittarius. This conjunction is also rare. It occurs once every 286 years, give or take. The last such conjunction occurred during the run up to the historic revolutions at the end of the 19th century.

Quaoar is associated with the creation and maintenance of large belief systems of all kinds. It governs our ability to keep our worldview up to date, and our ability to change it as knowledge and circumstance change.

Quaoar’s influence is all inclusive in this regard. It affects every facet of every existing belief system.

Not to put too fine a point on it, the Galactic Center is a major source, perhaps even the primary source, of transformative sacred energy. The precise conjunction of Quaoar and the Galactic Center sends immeasurably large amounts of transformative and uplifting sacred energy surging through the world’s belief systems. Especially with Quaoar retrograde in Sagittarius, it inspires the vigorous updating and upgrading of the totality of ideas in the totality of global worldviews.

Subjectively, the conjunction would make us feel an urgent need, even a sacred duty, to update and upgrade our beliefs – along with everyone else’s, for that matter.

The transformative energy from the Galactic Center will affect all of our beliefs. Nothing and no one will be excluded. Quaoar’s conjunction with the Galactic Center, then, will dramatically augment the transformative effects of the eclipse.

The Other Asteroids

In the interests of brevity, let me just say that the other commonly observed asteroids are centrally involved in the dynamic of the Mutable T-Square. These other asteroids are also strongly placed. Hence, the kind of reasoning applied to Quaoar will apply to the other asteroids.

The forces at work in August and beyond will inundate the totality of our global idea systems. We are slowly emerging from a time when greed was exalted to the level of a virtue. All respect for facts and sound reason was abandoned. Virtually the totality of the ideas that govern the conduct of our individual and collective affairs are now deeply flawed.

I don’t think we want to underestimate the scale of the impact that the upcoming eclipses, including August’s eclipse, will have. When an irresistible demand for truth collides with so many flawed ideas, trouble is sure to follow.

On an individual level, be careful what you say and to whom you say it in August and the weeks and months to follow. Listen carefully to what others say, also.

It will be far too easy to spark animosity, to overreact to an imagined insult, to mistake a lie for the truth, or vice versa. It could be some time, I think, before the fires thus ignited are quenched and the intellectual air is safe to breath unfiltered.


As part of a continuing effort to keep my astrology work accessible to all, I am posting a link to my Google+ profile for those who might find it useful as an alternative to FB.


I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has offered expressions of appreciation and support and by liking and sharing my work. I also want to thank those who have shown their appreciation financially.

My heartfelt thanks to all.

I know that many people have come to rely on my monthly reports, but we need to make some changes.

I have been absorbing nearly all of the cost of providing this service in its various forms for the past 16+ years, but I simply cannot continue to do so. If people want to continue to benefit from my work, we are going to have to step up and help out.

What I propose is that people voluntarily make one small, contribution each month when accessing my astrology post. To keep things simple and familiar for everyone, I would prefer to stick with PayPal options. Specialized funding sites will make us all jump through hoops that most of us would prefer not to have to jump through.

You can use the links below. They provide a quick, simple and easy way to contribute.

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Thank you,


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